Sleeping It Off ~ Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep and Weight Loss. ~Weight loss is a common goal for many people, but it can be a difficult and slow process. One often overlooked aspect of weight loss is the role that sleep plays. Getting better sleep can...
New Year Sleep Strategies For A Better Life
New Year Strategies For A Better Life: Start with a Good Sleep. ~ The start of this year is a perfect time to make positive changes in your life. ~You can use it as a chance to improve your relationships with family and friends, further your education or start a new...
Would you buy second hand undies?
Making an expensive but necessary purchase like a new bed is not an easy decision, but buying cheap might be the mattress equivalent of buying second-hand underwear. ~ The pitfalls of buying a cheap mattress. ~ With...
Sleep Comfort and Your Dreams
At Henwood, we care about your sleep and rest. Have you ever wondered why we dream? Does comfort impact your dreams? Dreams are the essence of a restful sleep. Restful sleep is linked to the level of comfort you feel...
Stages of Sleep
Your brain and body are constantly in an active state, even when you’re not awake. While you are fast asleep and blissfully unaware, you are on a rollercoaster ride through the distinct phases (or stages) of sleep. Each sleep phase has a different role to play in how...
Covid 19 – Frequently Asked Questions
We have had an influx of frequently asked questions regarding sleep related products and the spread of Covid 19. We have taken the time to compile some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions for you. Q – What safety protocols have you implemented? A –...
5 Amazing Things Your Brain Does While Sleeping
Your brain can do incredible things while you are asleep. Here are a few of the most fascinating things your brain does while you think its switched off. Just another reason to get some shut eye. Makes decisions. The brain can process information and prepare for...
What sleep deprivation does to you
We have to get enough sleep if we want our bodies to function properly. Sleep has a positive influence on how our nervous system functions. People who are sleep deprived and drowsy struggle to concentrate. They end up having memory lapses, decreased physical...
Sleep Positions – Your Health & Personality
You may not have considered, that while you slumber certain positions can have an impact on your health. It is also speculated that there are certain personality traits which can be revealed by analyzing the way you sleep. We take a look at the six more common sleep...
Sleep Facts
SLEEP SCIENCE To get the best possible nights sleep a good quality bed suited to your comfort preference is vital. There are however many other contributors to making the most of those precious hours of rest.Medically Fit? An urge to move your legs, snoring, and a...